Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Eco Styler Gel Vs. Aloe Vera Gel

Eco Styler Gel
Price: $5 and under
Purchased: Walgreens, Rite Aid, or Wal-Mart
Size: 16 oz.
The Good— Eco Styler Gel receives constant praises in the natural hair community as the best gel for styles such as a wash and go, twists, and twist-outs. It provides great hold and tames wild frizz. It’s best used with another product and is definitely not a standalone unless you desire crunchy hair. Best used after applying a leave-in conditioner and/or with an oil of your choice.
The Bad—As I stated before this is not a standalone product. If you want soft curls you want to coat your hair first with another product.

Fruit of the Earth Aloe Vera Gel
Purchased: Wal-Mart
Price: $7 and under
Size: 12 oz.
The Good— Like Eco Styler Gel, this product can be used for various styles to provide hold. If you’re looking for a natural remedy without Glycerin  this ought to be you’re go-to product.  As a gel, this can be used like any other, first applying a moisturizer, conditioner and/or oil, but the best part is you can even use it without any product at all on wet or dry hair. It will tame some frizz, provide relief for dry/itchy scalp, and not flake or leave a gunky residue on your hair. Some even say it promotes hair growth.
The Bad— Unlike other gels this product won’t provide as significant a hold as other gels. It also cost a couple dollars more.

The Results: 
Overall these are two great products depending on your styling needs. The Aloe Vera Gel can also be used along with  other oils or shea butter in hair care recipes if you’re taking the all-natural route.


  1. Thanks Brianna,
    You have explained very beautifully I never use it but now I will try it.

    Aloe Vera Gel
    Herbal Capsules

    1. You are very welcome! I also apologize for my ridiculously late response!
